What upsets Polish clients?
In Poland people buy groceries almost every day. During a week, they spend a lot of time shopping for basic goods. Have you ever wondered what customers find most inconvenient? Inquiry Market Research asked Polish customers for their opinion.
After more than 25 years of the free market economy in Poland, consumers start to require more from their everyday shopping experience.
That is why we decided to check which issues are the most common. For this purpose, our experts at Inquiry Market Research have conducted an on-line survey among grocery shoppers in Poland. The results of the research were quite surprising.
Our survey showed that Polish retailers still have a lot to do when it comes to improving the quality of services.

Shopping Experience
All respondents declare that they have experienced some problems during shopping. What’s more – 96% of shoppers face problems that are particularly annoying.
The most common problems are related to convenience of the shopping process, for example long queues, crowded stores or products stacked in the middle of an aisle. But the most annoying issue is when they find at the checkout that the price on shelf is incorrect.
Customers pay attention to the consistency between the price on the shelf and the price on the receipt. They also check promotional prices if they are lower than the regular ones; many report that the reverse is a common practice. In addition, they often find inconsistencies between prices from store leaflet and actual prices on the shelf. The client often feels confused: what it is exactly the price I am paying?
Problems with pricing aside, stores have to be careful about any upleasant odours, as these have strong impact in overall image. Most surprisingly, too much choice and frequent changes of product arrangement can also be a problem because they make decision making difficult and time consuming. In fact, this is one of the reasons why shoppers in Poland prefer smaller stores which are not as overwhelming as the big box.
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